Thorne Hedgehog Rescue

Urgent Rescue

Have You Found a Hedgehog in Distress?

Whether you’ve found an injured hedgehog or one struggling to survive, this page will guide you through the steps to take and how to contact us for urgent assistance. Together, we can save lives.

Follow These Simple Steps

Step 1: Observe & Assess

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, so seeing one out during the day is usually a sign that it needs help. Look for these indicators of distress:

  • Injuries: Visible wounds, blood, or a limp.
  • Unusual Behaviour: Out during the day, lying still, or circling.
  • Surroundings: Flies, maggots, or a strong smell indicate a serious issue.
  • Sound: High-pitched squeaks, wheezing, or laboured breathing are signs of trouble.

If the hedgehog looks healthy and active, keep a watchful eye from a distance as it might simply be foraging.

Step 2: Handle with Care

Approach the hedgehog calmly and handle it gently to minimise stress:

  • Wear gloves or use a soft towel to pick it up safely for both you and the hedgehog.
  • Place the hedgehog in a secure box with high sides, lined with a towel or fleece for comfort.
  • Ensure the box is quiet and safe, keeping it away from pets, children, and loud noises.
  • Handle as little as possible to avoid causing additional stress or harm.

Proper handling is crucial to keep the hedgehog calm and prevent further injury or discomfort.

Step 3: Provide Warmth and Comfort

Hedgehogs in distress are vulnerable to hypothermia and need warmth to stabilise:

  • Place a wrapped hot water bottle or a sock filled with warm rice beneath the towel in the box.
  • Ensure the hedgehog has space to move away from the heat source if it gets too warm.
  • Keep the box indoors, away from draughts and noise, in a quiet and temperature-controlled area.
  • Avoid placing the hedgehog outside or in cold environments, even temporarily.

Maintaining a warm and calm environment helps the hedgehog recover from immediate stress.

Step 4: Offer Food and Water

Providing sustenance can make a big difference while waiting for professional help:

  • Place fresh water in a shallow dish to prevent dehydration.
  • Offer a small amount of meaty cat or dog food or specialist hedgehog food.
  • Do not give milk or bread, as these can cause serious digestive issues.
  • Avoid overfeeding, and remove uneaten food to keep the box clean and safe.

These simple measures can provide much-needed energy and hydration for the hedgehog.

Step 5: Contact Thorne Hedgehog Rescue

Once the hedgehog is stabilised, it’s time to get professional help:

  • Call us immediately: 07825 952201
  • Message us on Facebook or Instagram for quick guidance.
  • If urgent, take the hedgehog to a local vet, who can provide free initial care and contact us for ongoing support.
  • For non-urgent enquiries, explore our website or email us for advice.

Acting quickly ensures the hedgehog gets the expert care it needs to make a full recovery.

Hedgehogs Saved
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Target Achieved
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Your Support Gives Every Hedgehog a Chance

Current Goals

Help Us Get Through Winter.

With record numbers of hedgehogs admitted to the rescue we need help to cover the associated costs to care, clean, feed, medicated and treat the sick and injured hedgehogs that arrive.

New Hedgehog Hospital

I have already outgrown my small space since opening less than a year ago. I need a new insulated shed built and new cages so this fundraiser is for materials and any labour costs.